Our Wa-Shokuiku curriculum offers a Japanese-inspired food education curriculum for K through 12 and college students in the United States. In the USA, school children receive an annual average of just 3.4 hours of food and nutrition education*. Many schools do not offer any food education. Among 614 schools studied in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens, 61% of schools offered no food education programs. Our program fills that gap by teaching young American students the principles of Japanese food culture, as well as providing practical hands-on learning in how to prepare healthy, nutritious foods. Our goal is to equip students with lifelong practical knowledge about one of the world’s healthiest diets and encourage lifelong healthy food behaviors. Since its launch in 2017, the Wa-Shokuiku program has received a groundswell of positive responses and stands poised to expand to more schools across the United States. In addition, we offer online live classes and online on-demand course.

*The Worldwatch Institute. State of the World 2013: Is Sustainability Still Possible? Island Press, 2013.

How to Get Involved

Schools: Contact us to find out how to bring the program to your school.

After school programs and community centers: Let us help you organize workshops to educate your community about nutrition and healthy Japanese-inspired eating.

Corporations: We are always looking for corporations to sponsor our Wa-Shokuiku program. Despite strong needs, many schools don’t have enough financial resources to bring food education. Sponsorship can provide great corporate volunteer opportunities to support your local community.


Contact us to get involved with Wa-Shokuiku!